Science Creativity

Assalamualaikum and hello to all my students....=)

 Do you want to be a LITTLE SCIENTIST ???



How ??????
Steps :
1) You have to choose your group members. 6 students for each   group. 
2)There are 6 stations in the lab. Each group have to move from one station to the another station. 
3) You only 15 minutes for each station. Whistle will be blow to show that times up.
4) Each group have to answer the questions. Your answers must be write in a provided paper.
 5) The highest mark will be the winner..=)
 Are you READY ?????? 
 If this link to get your task..... CHAIYOK !!!!

and...... ENJOY YOURSELF !!!! =)



Try  it at HOME....

###  The another example of experiments..........